"Who is as the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high."
Psalm 113.5
"When you hear the planes roaring overhead. Be not afraid."
That is what I heard spoken to me nearly a year ago upon waking from my sleep. Then I perceived to have a vision of being outside and looking up at planes flying overhead. They zoomed past my house and then in the distance I saw men coming down with parachutes and I saw explosions.
For the past month now we have had planes roaring over our heads. Not just regular planes, but AR-16 Fighter Jets. And... they are LOUD! Never in all my life have I experienced this.
We don't live close to a major airport. The only planes we see here are small aircraft, helicopters now and then. Oh, and commercial airlines way up high, and can't fail to mention aircraft spraying chemtrails. But those aircraft are only seen, not heard.
This as of late is different. These aircraft, the AR-16 Fighter Jets are not seen, but most definitely heard! They can be so loud at times that our dog Sophie shakes and follows me wherever I go. I say to her to "Be not afraid!", but to no avail. She still shakes.
When it first started, my mom and I were standing outside talking and suddenly we heard this loud roaring coming from up above. We kept looking, but could see nothing. We knew it was some type of aircraft, but could not see them. Upon further investigation we found out that there was a little blurp in the newspaper about our area being designated for AR-16 Fighter Jet military exercises over the next couple months. Right now they are just loud, in the future who knows... but only God.

One day I asked Father God, "Are those pilots now flying those Fighter Jets good or evil?" I sensed His reply to be... "Some are good, yet some are only poising to be good. When the time comes, their true colors will come shining through."
Upon hearing that I should of been pretty shaken. Some years back I would have been. But, I am not. Fear is not of God, only peace. We need to pray for His protection and then have peace that He is not a God that lies. He is all truth and can be trusted to do as He says.
On July 12, 2016, I received this message... "My daughter write what you hear. It has begun. War. War is upon you. Steady. Stay steady in Me. Do not worry, nor fret My Love for you and yours are safe. All that is written shall now be fulfilled. I will make all things new again.
Pray now. Please pray for lost souls for many will lose their lives. I am sorrowful, My Love. I desperately need your prayers and sacrifice for much is at stake here. Your family is in the palm of My hand.
Much will take place. Lives will forever by changed. Nothing will be the same. The past is long gone. A new day is dawning. Prophecy will be fulfilled. It has been written. It shall be so. Do not fret for you and yours are forever Mine. You are My true remnant, My Chosen set-apart people, a kept people unto Myself. Pray, pray, pray." End
Today Clare on Still Small Voice received a similar message, here is an excerpt...
"These days have been very rough, but as the Lord says in this dialogue, "This has been a rough day. We are trying to avert a war you know." And today is a decisive meeting with heads of state and NATO concerning Russia. Putin has really been actively trying to get America's attention that we are headed for a nuclear war... but of course the government controlled media is ignoring his attempts." End
Who is greater than our God? Who are we to be afraid of? If God is for us, who can be against?
I refuse to be afraid of those pilots, of any man, of aliens (which are demons), of disasters, of an economic collapse, ect... For I have God on my side, so who can harm me?
Of whom shall we be afraid?
"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge, my fortress, my God, in Whom I trust." Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you."
Psalm 91:1-7
Jesus I Trust in You!