Our Savior
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Keep climbing! Climb in faith!
Thank You God and Blessed Mother Mary! Thank You for the job for Adam. Thank You for everything you have done and continue to do for us.
I admit, I worried. So I prayed. My son was looking into being a travelling nurse and his first destination was looking to be a thousand miles away, literally. I felt panicked. Especially panicked because of the approaching times.
I sensed the Lord to say... "He will be going nowhere. That is not My plan for him. Trust."
But, I admit... I still worried. But, it was all for not. Everything has now fell into place like dominoes. He got an awesome job only 30 miles away that seemingly fell into his lap. Thank You Father! You are an Awesome God!
A message received by Small Straws on June 30, 2016...

I admit, I worried. So I prayed. My son was looking into being a travelling nurse and his first destination was looking to be a thousand miles away, literally. I felt panicked. Especially panicked because of the approaching times.
I sensed the Lord to say... "He will be going nowhere. That is not My plan for him. Trust."
But, I admit... I still worried. But, it was all for not. Everything has now fell into place like dominoes. He got an awesome job only 30 miles away that seemingly fell into his lap. Thank You Father! You are an Awesome God!
A message received by Small Straws on June 30, 2016...
"Put your issues aside and stop fussing over things that are basically inconsequential. Quiet your soul and find your place of peace. Begin again with a clean slate, leaving behind all things that have kept you in turmoil. You have very little authority or control over most of the things you worry about. Re-establish spiritual perspective, says the Lord."
"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"
Matthew 6:27
So climb the mountain in faith. Jesus will be with you every step of the way. He is there. The climb will be rocky, slippery, sometimes treacherous, but He is always with you. His hand is outstretched to pull you up the mountain. Have trust, faith in Him.
Yesterday as I thanked Him for what He did for Adam, I opened Every Day In His Presence to...
"Trust God's Promises - God always keeps His word. If He has given you a specific promise, you can be assured He will fulfill it. It may not be according to your timetable or expectations, but it will be right in line with His will for your life."
"Father, I know You will always fulfill Your promises to me, therefore, I will wait for You in hope, Amen."
(Every Day in His Presence)
We asked, we prayed, we waited...
We received.
Climb the mountain,
grab God's outstretched hand
never let go...
Don't worry. Be happy.
Don't worry. Be happy.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Keep Your Eyes on Christ
My heart beats with compassion for the sorrows of man. Oh how gladly I would help him bear the terrible weight of his cross, fashioned, for the most part by his own guilt! But alas, he will have none of My help."

Our Lady of America's final message to Sr. Mary was in the winter of 1984... "What happens to the world depends on those who are living in it. There must be much more good than evil prevailing in order to prevent the holocaust that is so near approaching. Yet, I tell you, My daughter, that even should such a destruction happen, because there were not enough souls who took my warnings seriously, there will remain a remnant untouched by the chaos who, having been faithful in following Me and spreading My warnings, will gradually inhabit the earth again with their dedicated and holy lives. These souls will renew the earth in the power and light of the Holy Spirit, and these faithful children of Mine will be under My protection, and that of the Holy Angels, and they will partake of the life of the Divine Trinity in a most remarkable way. Let My dear children know this, My precious daughter, so that they will have no excuse if they fail to heed My warnings." End

The rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet are especially needed in this hour.
Dear Jesus, help me to stay focused on You. I pray to the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom in all things and help me pray as I should.
Help me Lord, to keep my eyes on You!
When a Door Closes

Don't be disappointed. Just maybe God closed that door because He has something so much better for you. So much more. He closes one door, then opens another.
One of my daughters right now is struggling because a relationship that she thought would turn into marriage abruptly ended. This is the second time this has happened to her. She feels as if she will never find the right one. I continue to tell her that God has a plan. A door has closed for good reason. Trust God.
Be patient and wait. Wait on Him. He has a perfect plan.
Father knows best.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
In The Rain

When my children were small if it was not lightning they would sometimes go out into the rain with their little umbrellas.
I would watch them play and splash in the puddles and sometimes I took pictures.
I found it entertaining and so did they.

I remember a time when the kids shampooed their hair in the rain. A quick shower!
So, what really is it about watching children playing in the rain?
Maybe it's their playfulness, sense of adventure, sense of awe. Maybe it's how easily they were entertained.
Or maybe it was just the smile
that it placed upon their face.
it was just as simple as that.
I walk out my back door
And what greets me...
But beautiful flowers everywhere
God's beauty shining

God created flowers
It's His way of smiling
Their beauty is
Ever so inviting
I walk out my back door
And what greets me
God's beautiful creation
It is so pleasing
Thank you Father
For the flowers.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Our Defender
He will never leave you, nor forsake you.
"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me," declares the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17
Everyday in His Presence - "It may seem that the forces and circumstances aligned against you are overwhelming today. Perhaps there are powerful people who are attempting to undermine you or there are others who are spreading ugly rumors about you that aren't true. It could even be that you've taken a stand for Christ and are being persecuted because of it. At such times take heart - your life is in God's hands. He is your Defender. Nothing can touch you that He doesn't first allow for your benefit." End
This message is for all of us, but I sense the Lord telling me there is a person in particular that needs to hear this. You know who you are. Life has been rough. You feel you never get a break. You feel like giving up. Don't. God is with you. He knows all and is holding you in the palm of His hand. He loves you dearly. Come near to Him. He's waiting. Cling to Him. He's telling you to hold on. Hold onto Him. He has a plan for you. A beautiful plan for your life. Stay close to Him. Soon, so soon.
Continuing from Everyday in His Presence - "Friend, keep your heart clean before God and remember His promise, "They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you." (Jeremiah 1:19). Your hope, your defense, your vindication, and your future are all in the hands of the Lord God Almighty. The people and challenges aligned against you cannot overpower Him. Trust Him. No matter what comes, He will bring good from it." End
Persevere. God loves you.
Have Hope.
Hope in Him.
Have Hope.
Hope in Him.
Wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment, the quality of being wise.

Be wise and serve Him. Here I am Lord, is it I Lord, I have heard You calling in the night. I will go Lord. If you need me. I will hold your people in my heart.
Journal entry April 5, 2016, "Eyes have not seen the marvelous works I will do. Just remember amongst any struggles, the reward. How great it will be... harmonious, Beautiful, so wonderful! That is what I have planned for My faithful. What a treasure to behold. Glorious! Soon, so soon My daughter."

Be wise and serve Him. Here I am Lord, is it I Lord, I have heard You calling in the night. I will go Lord. If you need me. I will hold your people in my heart.
Journal entry April 5, 2016, "Eyes have not seen the marvelous works I will do. Just remember amongst any struggles, the reward. How great it will be... harmonious, Beautiful, so wonderful! That is what I have planned for My faithful. What a treasure to behold. Glorious! Soon, so soon My daughter."
"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and whom will go for us? And I said, Lo, here I am, send me." Isaiah 6:8
Today at confession the priest told me to pray to the Holy Spirit for Wisdom. Then also today, not by coincidence, I turned randomly in my journal to an entry regarding... yep, wisdom. In this entry I ask Jesus to please give me a double dose of wisdom. Then I mentioned how I randomly opened God Calling devotional to pg. 157...
"Wisdom: I have promised that for every day you live, the strength shall be given you. Do not fear. Face each difficulty sure that the wisdom and strength will be given you for it. Claim it. Rely on Me to keep My Promise about this. In My Universe, for every task I give one of My children, there is set aside all that is necessary for its performance. So why fear? So why doubt?"
"Wisdom: I have promised that for every day you live, the strength shall be given you. Do not fear. Face each difficulty sure that the wisdom and strength will be given you for it. Claim it. Rely on Me to keep My Promise about this. In My Universe, for every task I give one of My children, there is set aside all that is necessary for its performance. So why fear? So why doubt?"
Here I am Lord
Here I am Lord
An Entourage of Angels
Entourage - escort, staff, bodyguards, companions
An entourage of angels
I ask you to be near us
To forever protect us
From all the evil of this world
An entourage of angels
I ask you to please hear us
Hear our cry, our battle cry
To be at our very sides
To help us and rule and guide
An entourage of angels
I ask for your assistance

On June 22, 2016, Edson Glauber received this message from our Blessed Mother... "Children, ask God's mercy for the church and the world. Dark times are advancing, but to those who faithfully serve the Lord I say: He will do wonders and act with power and glory in favour of those who love Him. I am by your side to welcome you into my immaculate mantle.
Ask the protection of St. Michael the Archangel. God is sending him to the world to guide and defend His own. St. Michael will help you to do God's will and in the evil days he, in the name of The Lord, will appear gloriously to many in order to protect them and lead them on safe paths, because thus God has established it for those who listen to me and who love me. Do not fear, surrender yourselves and trust. Today I bless you so that all evil may be banished from you and your families." End

I ask you to be near us
To forever protect us
From all the evil of this world
An entourage of angels
I ask you to please hear us
Hear our cry, our battle cry
To be at our very sides
To help us and rule and guide
An entourage of angels
I ask for your assistance
I pray that you be near us
Closer than our very own breath
An entourage of angels
Father God please send them to us
To help keep us
On the right track
St. Michael the Archangel
Come to our aid
And bring along with you
An entourage of angels
We ask of you and we pray.
Yesterday I asked Father God for protection in the dark days ahead. I sensed Him to say, "You and yours My love, are surrounded by an Entourage of Angels." 
On June 22, 2016, Edson Glauber received this message from our Blessed Mother... "Children, ask God's mercy for the church and the world. Dark times are advancing, but to those who faithfully serve the Lord I say: He will do wonders and act with power and glory in favour of those who love Him. I am by your side to welcome you into my immaculate mantle.
Ask the protection of St. Michael the Archangel. God is sending him to the world to guide and defend His own. St. Michael will help you to do God's will and in the evil days he, in the name of The Lord, will appear gloriously to many in order to protect them and lead them on safe paths, because thus God has established it for those who listen to me and who love me. Do not fear, surrender yourselves and trust. Today I bless you so that all evil may be banished from you and your families." End
Father God please keep sending to us an Entourage of Angels!
Saturday, June 4, 2016
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