Thank You Father for this beautiful day of fun in the sun and family!
Our Savior
Monday, May 30, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
A Backyard View
How blessed we are! Thank You Father for all You do for us.
The garden is in and growing. And, we are blessed to have sheep and baby lambs alongside the garden and fruit orchard to view and enjoy! Thank You Father!
We also have two new little kittens to enjoy! Click on the pictures for a bigger view.
The garden is in and growing. And, we are blessed to have sheep and baby lambs alongside the garden and fruit orchard to view and enjoy! Thank You Father!
We also have two new little kittens to enjoy! Click on the pictures for a bigger view.
Awe, new life. Babies... given to us to enjoy by an Awesome God!
Our new additions.
Our dog, Sophie taking a nap with one of the new kittens. Precious moments indeed!

Oh, and I can't forget the chickens!
Oh, and I can't forget the chickens!
Thank You Father!
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Destiny - the events that will necessarily happen to a person or thing in the future.
What is our Destiny... in God? He has it all mapped out for us. Do we hear Him? Are we on track? Are we on the right track? Are we waiting for our destiny to just happen? Are we waiting for our destiny to come and get us?
Look no longer... it is here. Our destiny is the choices we make every single day... every minute of our day. It is what we choose to focus on. It is what we ourselves decide to pursue.
What is our Destiny... in God? He has it all mapped out for us. Do we hear Him? Are we on track? Are we on the right track? Are we waiting for our destiny to just happen? Are we waiting for our destiny to come and get us?

It's easy in this action addicted world to veer off course. I do constantly. Distractions are everywhere. I have found myself bombarded with distractions. I feel at times, I am drifting. The other day I found myself asking... "Jesus, where are you?" I sensed His reply... "I haven't gone anywhere, it is you who has drifted. I am always here beside you. I never leave. You leave me."
I'm sorry Lord for being so distracted. I find that when I have too much on my "plate", I can't even pray. My mind whirls. I can't quiet myself.
While I'm typing this, I felt nudged to randomly open Every Day in His Presence. I opened to this...
"First - What is it that consumes your thoughts today? What holds the utmost place of prominence in your life? Your answer will say a great deal about what's truly important to you.
But be warned, the frustrations and discouragement you face often have more to do with what you're pursuing than anything else. Perhaps you desire to be loved or respected, to be appreciated and accepted for who you are. Maybe you yearn to feel whole, safe or free from burdens. So you chase the goals, objects and people who seen to answer your profound need.
But friend, these misplaced priorities will rob you of peace, energy and joy. It is God alone who deserves the highest place of honor in your life. Do you spend time with Him daily, seeking His face and deepening your intimacy with Him? Do you pursue Him with greater passion than everything else?
If not, you will be disappointed. Nothing is as wonderful or worthy as He is. And nothing can satisfy your soul as He will." End
When I feel myself starting to drift away from Jesus, I also sense joy leaving me too. That's because Jesus is all joy. He is our joy. He is the truth the way and the life. We must keep running to Him.
We need to live our lives according to His Divine Will. Staying in His Divine Will for us will lead us to a destiny we could never have ever fathomed.
We fail, but God never fails. We are weak, but with Him we are made strong. Take our hand Lord and lead us. Help us to live within Your Divine Will. Lead us to our destiny. Lead us to the destination that you have laid out for us since the beginning of time. We are forever Yours. You are our Papa. Guide us. We love You.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Waiting on God
Last night I had a dream...
It was all about potatoes. Growing potatoes. Watching potatoes grow. Watching potatoes mature. Harvesting potatoes.
I had a large garden of potatoes. They were beautiful, but not quite mature enough for harvest. So I waited.
I had a neighbor that also had a very large garden of potatoes. He started digging up his potatoes before they were mature. I kept telling him to stop, for his were not flowering yet, they were not at maturity and his would be small and few. He did not listen to me and his potatoes were few and very small.
The next scene I see my potatoes coming into maturity and flowering. As the flowers began to wilt I knew it was time to harvest. My harvest was large and plentiful.
I knew right away what the Lord was telling me in this dream... Wait on Him and be patient in my waiting.
God has perfect timing. He has a perfect plan. If we grow weary and jump in too early ahead of God and before the proper, ripe time, we'll miss the big harvest that God has planned for us.
We all desire a better world. We desire healing for us and our families. We can become weary and tired.
It was all about potatoes. Growing potatoes. Watching potatoes grow. Watching potatoes mature. Harvesting potatoes.

I had a neighbor that also had a very large garden of potatoes. He started digging up his potatoes before they were mature. I kept telling him to stop, for his were not flowering yet, they were not at maturity and his would be small and few. He did not listen to me and his potatoes were few and very small.

I knew right away what the Lord was telling me in this dream... Wait on Him and be patient in my waiting.

We all desire a better world. We desire healing for us and our families. We can become weary and tired.
It's not easy to wait, but God knows best and He wants us to trust in
His perfect timing.
Persevere. Be vigilant. Keep watching.
He's coming.
"Be patient therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and has long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be you, therefore, also patient, and strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."
James 5:7-8
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Connected to The Vine
"I am the Vine, you are the branches, he that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5
"Hope in God - If only today would be the day. The thought crosses your mind as it often does. How many times have you started the morning with the same hope? As time passes, it may be challenging to maintain confidence. Yet you comfort yourself with promise, "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). End
As the days drag on and the world gets darker, we can't help but wonder... when Lord? But, we are living in the times as foretold long ago...
"But the five foolish haven taken their lamps, did not take oil with them." (Matthew 25:3)

We need to to keep our lamps full of oil and carry extra fuel with us. We must not fall asleep. We must be one of the wise virgins.
Here's an excerpt of a message given today to Still Small Voice...
"As souls continue to be gathered into the Kingdom, I continue to hold back the wrath from moment to moment. Do not grow bitter like those of the world who say, 'Where is the hope of His coming?' These thoughts are of satan and meant to undermine your faith. If you give them air-play and go into agreement with them, your faith will be compromised. Rather stand strong and tall with Me as I gather in those that remain and remember the parable of the virgins. They all fell asleep and only the wise virgins had flasks of oil with them. Do you see the wisdom and warning of this?" End
Here's an excerpt of a message given today to Still Small Voice...
"As souls continue to be gathered into the Kingdom, I continue to hold back the wrath from moment to moment. Do not grow bitter like those of the world who say, 'Where is the hope of His coming?' These thoughts are of satan and meant to undermine your faith. If you give them air-play and go into agreement with them, your faith will be compromised. Rather stand strong and tall with Me as I gather in those that remain and remember the parable of the virgins. They all fell asleep and only the wise virgins had flasks of oil with them. Do you see the wisdom and warning of this?" End
I have a message that was impressed upon my heart yesterday... "Relax. Come and rest in Me. Shalome. All is well. You have nothing to fear. Soon all will be complete. So soon. The exact day and hour are only known to My Father. But, know the season you are in.
You are prepared physically, My love. Keep up with your prayers and lay all at My feet. I am always here for you. Leave the details to Me. Just believe and all will go well with you and yours. Believe and have peace. That is what I ask of you. We love you." End
We must continue to pray for all lost sheep to come into the fold. Our efforts will be well rewarded. God has promised.
"Behold, I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast,
that no one take thy crown."
Revelation 3:11
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Blessed With Sufficiency
"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ."
Ephesians 1:3
"God is more than sufficient for you today, Your heavenly Father has inexhaustible resources all of which are at His disposal to help you in the way that will best build your faith and relationship with Him. And He has promised to give you every spiritual blessing because you have faith in Jesus.
The problem is not the Father's ability to bestow what you need, but your ability to receive it when fear or the desire for control governs you. You must deny those strongholds and accept Him as Sovereign God.

Because when you have what you need spiritually, all else falls into place. Therefore, trust Him to sustain you. He is more than sufficient." (Everyday in His Presence)
During any storm, we are safe under God's umbrella. He shields us from the storm. Lord we trust in you to keep us. We trust in You.
Lord, You are God. Thank You for being sufficient for my every need, spiritually, physically, and materially, I trust You to help me with all I face, Amen.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Mother Mary
The month of May is dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary.
Blessed Mother Mary
Our Most Beautiful Mother
We love You so much!
O Mary, Virgin most powerful and Mother of mercy, Queen of Heaven and Refuge of sinners, we consecrate ourselves and our family to thine Immaculate Heart.
We consecrate to thee our very being and our whole life; all that we have, all that we love, all that we are. To thee we give our bodies, our hearts and our souls; to thee we give our homes, our families, our country.
We desire that all that is in us and around us may belong to thee and may share in the benefits of thy motherly benediction. And that this act of consecration may be truly efficacious and lasting, we renew this day at thy feet the promises of our Baptism and our first Holy Communion.
We pledge ourselves to profess courageously and at all times the truths of our holy Faith, and to live as befits Catholics who are duly submissive to all the directions of the Pope and the Bishops in communion with him.
We pledge ourselves to keep the commandments of God and His Church, in particular to keep holy the Lord's Day. We likewise pledge ourselves to make the consoling practices of the Christian religion, and above all, Holy Communion, an integral part of our lives, in so far as we shall be able so to do.
Finally, we promise thee, O glorious Mother of God and loving Mother of men, to devote ourselves whole-heartedly to the service of thee, in order to hasten and assure, through the sovereignty of thine Immaculate Heart, the coming of the kingdom of the Sacred Heart of thine adorable Son, in our own hearts and in those of all men, in our country and in all the world, as in heaven so on earth. Amen
Our family is forever consecrated to You!
Blessed Mother, protect my children as they travel to Florida tonight. Keep them safe, protected in Your loving arms.
Blessed Mother, protect my children as they travel to Florida tonight. Keep them safe, protected in Your loving arms.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my mother's birthday...

I love you so much momma
Thank you for all that you do
God has blessed me so much
To have given me you
I am proud to say
That you are my mother
You can be replaced
By no other
You have nurtured
and guided me
You have helped me along my way
You have been there
From day one
And I know you're here to stay
You have always been
Right by my side
And helped to guide me
To choose what's right
I am forever thankful
To our Heavenly Father
To have given to me
Such a Blessed Mother.
I love you so much. Have a wonderful Birthday!
Your daughter,
Give God your heart. Unplug from this world. Unplug from the matrix. God is waiting for you!

Recently I was at my daughter's band concert. Sitting there waiting for it to begin, I look around me. Almost everyone is "plugged in". They are on their phones. To the left of me, right of me, in front of me... plugged in. My own children are just as bad. Their phones hardly ever leave their hands. It bothers me. It's an epidemic.
Excerpt from Light of Mary, April 27, 2016 - "Children, the intelligent, rational and thinking man has been sold, and he himself has allowed it. His possessions have gone to the other creatures without man being totally aware of it. An enemy has gotten inside the households and with great joy you open the door for him, and he arrives to cause more division than there already is, he brings about diseases, not only at the personal level but also emotional. My mother has already warned you and you have failed to get ahead of that enemy, instead he has entered your homes, and at this instant he has become familiar with the family members and with all of society, thus achieving greater family disintegration, infidelity and psychological disturbance. I speak of the most popular means of communication at this instant... the phone."
"Do not fear My love. I have you and yours in the palm of My hand. It won't be long now. I know you struggle with this world. I see the desires of your heart. I know you long for the days of simplicity. I know you long for the new heaven on earth. I see your heart.
It pains Me too the condition of this world. It pains Me too to see the young being pulled into the matrix. Do not fear and have hope. I am coming and I will change the world back to before the fall. You will once again live in the garden of eden where innocence abounded.
Hang on My love. I will never leave you. You have pure intentions and soon My love you will see these intentions come to fruition. Hold fast. Stay strong. Pray. We are with you!"
Fruition - A point at which a plan or project is realized.

Recently I was at my daughter's band concert. Sitting there waiting for it to begin, I look around me. Almost everyone is "plugged in". They are on their phones. To the left of me, right of me, in front of me... plugged in. My own children are just as bad. Their phones hardly ever leave their hands. It bothers me. It's an epidemic.
Excerpt from Light of Mary, April 27, 2016 - "Children, the intelligent, rational and thinking man has been sold, and he himself has allowed it. His possessions have gone to the other creatures without man being totally aware of it. An enemy has gotten inside the households and with great joy you open the door for him, and he arrives to cause more division than there already is, he brings about diseases, not only at the personal level but also emotional. My mother has already warned you and you have failed to get ahead of that enemy, instead he has entered your homes, and at this instant he has become familiar with the family members and with all of society, thus achieving greater family disintegration, infidelity and psychological disturbance. I speak of the most popular means of communication at this instant... the phone."
"I see a robotized people walk in a state of sedation, hypnotized by technology, debased by technology. They have lost modesty, shame is not known to them, and this is the work of satan with the complacency of man who uses this as an excuse to deliver himself to sin in most cases."
"New things will arrive with which evil will dazzle man, and man will love the new things and will despise God... My mother warned you. "
(Light of Mary)
Just recently my youngest got dragged into some social media madness. She's only 11 years old, but the pull of the world is so strong. I pull on her one way, the world pulls the other. It's a real tug-of-war.
Excerpt from a message from Our Lady of Light, May 1, 2016 - "I come to you today as Healer of All distractions, for in these end times, you, my children, have a great need to be relieved of the distractions in life that are preventing you from being the child of God that your Father in Heaven desires of you." (End Times Daily)
I can barely stomach social media. I think it's one of satan's most cunning schemes. Bothered by this I awoke around 4:30 a.m. thinking about the bondage we are enwrapped in. I got up, grabbed my notebook and had this impressed upon my heart...

It pains Me too the condition of this world. It pains Me too to see the young being pulled into the matrix. Do not fear and have hope. I am coming and I will change the world back to before the fall. You will once again live in the garden of eden where innocence abounded.
Hang on My love. I will never leave you. You have pure intentions and soon My love you will see these intentions come to fruition. Hold fast. Stay strong. Pray. We are with you!"
Fruition - A point at which a plan or project is realized.
Revelation 21:5 - "Behold I make all things new."
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
The Invite
The other night I had a short dream. Nick and I were at a party. We were in a large room and there were many people there. The party was ending and everyone started leaving.

There was a man standing there reminding them that He had invited them to a party too.
The people kept leaving saying they had to much to do. The man looked sad. Nick and I felt bad for Him and started telling people they should stay for His party too. I saw my cousin and his wife there. We asked them to stay.
More people left, but some did stay. My cousin and his wife stayed. We walked into a large room and there was a large long table. It was set up for a dinner. There were some people already sitting down and others just coming in. There were people there, but not near as many as there was at the earlier party. End of Dream

There was a man standing there reminding them that He had invited them to a party too.
The people kept leaving saying they had to much to do. The man looked sad. Nick and I felt bad for Him and started telling people they should stay for His party too. I saw my cousin and his wife there. We asked them to stay.

Jesus is knocking. He's inviting us. Are we listening, or are we too busy?
Revelation 3:20 - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him
and he with Me."
and he with Me."
Come to Me
This message was impressed upon my heart on April 29, 2016...
Be at peace and know that I am God. My peace I give to you. The feeling of oppression is coming from the evil one. He is trying to distract you, to take you away from Me. Rest assured My love that will never happen, but that is not to say that he won't try and you won't feel it.
Rest assured you are Mine forever. He is trying hard to make you feel condemned, he is trying hard to make you feel guilty about your decisions and your own feelings. He is trying to make you feel condemned because you are tired and overwhelmed. You my love have reason to feel tired and overwhelmed. Don't feel guilty for having these very basic human emotions.
All is fine with you My love. The distractions of this world try to pull you away from Me and when this happens you feel the pressure. That alone can overwhelm you bringing on oppression and depression.
Raise up My child, for you are an heir to My throne. Never let a thought of condemnation come upon you for you and yours are Mine. Yes, I know and see your concern about your loved ones. They are also Mine even though at times it does not look so now. They will be safe and protected in My arms. I have a ministry for you and your family. The enemy cannot stop this. It will be so. It is done. Understand?
Come to me often My child, especially when you are feeling oppression , condemnation or any depression for this all comes from the evil one. Taking time with Me and praying will relieve you of these stresses. Pour my blood upon you and your family. Pray to your mother as well for her protection will keep you in times of dire straits which is fast approaching. Pray to the heavenlies for their prayers and support for you. Yes, their prayers are powerful. We are for you, not against. All will be well My child this you need to keep near and dear to your heart.

I see the demand of this world upon you. Many of My children are struck with avarice, but know that coming to me, I heal all wounds and give comfort and strength for the journey. I love you My child. Come to Me often. Peace and love.
Definition of avarice - extreme need for wealth and material gain, couvetous, materialism, worldliness, being of the worldly
Be at peace and know that I am God. My peace I give to you. The feeling of oppression is coming from the evil one. He is trying to distract you, to take you away from Me. Rest assured My love that will never happen, but that is not to say that he won't try and you won't feel it.
Rest assured you are Mine forever. He is trying hard to make you feel condemned, he is trying hard to make you feel guilty about your decisions and your own feelings. He is trying to make you feel condemned because you are tired and overwhelmed. You my love have reason to feel tired and overwhelmed. Don't feel guilty for having these very basic human emotions.
All is fine with you My love. The distractions of this world try to pull you away from Me and when this happens you feel the pressure. That alone can overwhelm you bringing on oppression and depression.
Raise up My child, for you are an heir to My throne. Never let a thought of condemnation come upon you for you and yours are Mine. Yes, I know and see your concern about your loved ones. They are also Mine even though at times it does not look so now. They will be safe and protected in My arms. I have a ministry for you and your family. The enemy cannot stop this. It will be so. It is done. Understand?
Come to me often My child, especially when you are feeling oppression , condemnation or any depression for this all comes from the evil one. Taking time with Me and praying will relieve you of these stresses. Pour my blood upon you and your family. Pray to your mother as well for her protection will keep you in times of dire straits which is fast approaching. Pray to the heavenlies for their prayers and support for you. Yes, their prayers are powerful. We are for you, not against. All will be well My child this you need to keep near and dear to your heart.

I see the demand of this world upon you. Many of My children are struck with avarice, but know that coming to me, I heal all wounds and give comfort and strength for the journey. I love you My child. Come to Me often. Peace and love.
Definition of avarice - extreme need for wealth and material gain, couvetous, materialism, worldliness, being of the worldly
I've had a few confirmations on this message. One confirmation was on May 3, 2016 from Small Straws...
"Step into the light by leaving all darkness behind. Those things that result in condemnation, oppression and depression do not come from Me, says the Lord. When you begin to walk in the Spirit instead of entertaining the flesh, light will prevail over all darkness. Let your light shine!"
Monday, May 2, 2016
Abundant Joy!
Today I've had such Joy in my heart! I guess it's because we have such an awesome God who blesses us continually!
Thank You God for all Your Blessings on us!
A Family Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of our family. Enlighten our hearts and minds that we may live more fully this vocation to love.

Let Your love be evident in the peace that reigns in our home and in the faith we profess and live. May our family always be a place of generosity, understanding, forgiveness and joy.
Kindly give us the wisdom and courage to be witnesses to Your eternal design for the family; and grant that the Holy Family of Nazareth may always guide our path to holiness as a family.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
(Archbishop E. Lori of Baltimore, Supreme Chaplain)
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