Yes, I feel it. I have in the past told Nick, "I think I'm a Librarian. Not only a secretary, but a Librarian."

This might sound strange, but somehow there's something to it. You see God places into your heart early on a desire and different gifts. It's who you are deep, deep within. I'm different things, and one of them I know is a Librarian. I sense one day when I do enter Heaven, I will work in God's astounding and beautiful Library!
You see, in Heaven we will have jobs. We won't just float on clouds all day. Even though, that wouldn't be all bad. But, God will keep us busy. He will keep us fulfilled and happy.

I love books. I love the feeling of holding a book in my hand. I love how they smell. I'm not one for ordering books on kindle, I want to feel the book in my hands and turn the pages.

When I think of relaxing I picture a fire in the fireplace, me in a rocking chair with a fuzzy blanket, hot drink and a good book in hand.
Or, on a bright sunny day sitting under a large shade tree on a quilted blanket with book in hand and a cool fresh lemonade from my children's lemonade stand. I read a little, look at my children and grandchildren a little, then read a little. The children are nearby. Yes, always nearby hearing their laughter alongside the blue birds sweet music. Ahhh, now that's relaxing!
It makes me happy to see my children reading a good book. However, with technology today that has lessened greatly. Now, instead of having their nose in a book I find their noses in their I-Phones and I-Pads.

I love stories. Especially short stories. I lean toward factual stories rather than fictional ones, except in children's stories. I love stories pulled from a good imagination for them. I love to write and journal. I love writing poems and hearing poems. I love quotes and scripture.
I love picture books. Sometimes I like the illustrations even better than the story. Many times the illustrations is what draws me in first and then I check out the storyline.
What do you think? I'm a librarian... right?
One day we will all know what God has planned for us. But, for now I can just imagine. Oh, and I love imagining too. I guess that is right in line with my love of reading. Oh, and I talk to myself a lot... I'm not sure what that means, except maybe I'm always talking to my imaginary friend (which I have found out is Jesus).
I love all the commotion of lots of family and the carrying on that that entails. I absolutely love my family and people in general. I absolutely love being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I absolutely love being a mother of many. I absolutely love all my grandchildren. They are my crowning glory. I love babies. Any kind of babies... human or animal. And I find I'm rather fond of sheep. My neighbor has some and they are quiet, calm, so docile, sweet natured. I enjoy just watching them.
However, I also love and need my time... quiet time, time to ponder, pray and imagine. I can get quite creative in thought if time allows it. I enjoy music... soft music, not loud. I enjoy planting in my garden and taking in nature, God's creation. Oh, and I love coffee and a good doughnut first thing in the morning. However, I'm not so sure that doughnut loves me.

I also love pictures, as you can tell by my posts. Probably because a picture speaks a thousand words! I think a photographer also is in my heavenly future.
I think I needed this post after my last one. The thought there was kinda daunting. The things mentioned in my last post are our reality right now, but we also need to remember our true reality in God. We need to reflect on all the good God has planned for us. The awesome future He has planned for us. The many, many grandchildren He has planned for me ;)
We have so much to look forward to if we stay close to Him. Let Him wrap us in His arms. Let Him rock us forever.
These are some of the things I love. And I say love not just like, because looking at what I just wrote I see that these things do have a special and dear spot in my heart. They are what makes me who I am.
But above all of it, I love God. I absolutely love that I am a daughter of the Most High King. That I am royalty in God's Kingdom. That He is my Papa and He loves me. I love reading, but I love reading His story best.
Our God is an Awesome God.
Thank You Father for making us all
uniquely ourselves.
I love that.
"And He said: Amen, I say to you, unless you become converted and become as little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 18:3